The DeTommaso Dogs
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Dog Rescue

El niño spay campaign July 22 2024

Sunday’s spay campaign was a total success’ 83 pets got spay & neuter. 19 female cats, 66 female dogs & 3 male dogs, they will never reproduce & bring more unwanted dogs to suffer & die horribly. Thai is the second time we visit this community (El niño ) & the amount of strays in horrible conditions is heartbreaking. We donated many tick & flea meeds to those dogs who came infested with ticks & fleas. My hope is to keep helping this community & stop the overpopulation suffering there. We couldn’t have done it without the generosity of an amazing supporters kindly send their donations, knowing that he’s going to be used for a very specific purpose. Kathleen Staley & Paul Staley @briangignoux & Nancy Kavanagh thank you for making it possible. We used $2400 out of the $2500 donated. We got more donations that will be used at another spay campaign upcoming soon. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support for these dogs in need. To the amazing volunteers who work so hard under such a hot weather thank you 🙏 thuy , Jonathan, Sergio, señor Jorge. & team thank you for always being part of this dream. Year today we had done over 700 surgeries! #spayandneuter #spayandneuteryourpets #spayandneutersaveslive