female - adult
Toffy girl is a gentle, shy girl. She is a rat terrier/ chihuahua mix. 18 pounds, loving & shy. 18 pounds 3yo.
This sweet soul is a small breed. Went through human abuse, and were stray. She will need a loving family who gives her time to adjust, trusts & learn what true love & care is. So far she is responding positive to human love, she sleeps in bed with her foster Adela (but can also sleep in a doggie bed, house broken, will need more training on a leash. She is good with other dogs, cats & children. Apply at www.tddogs.org or call at (224) 622-1421
Estimated age: 3 years old
Breed: Rat Terrier / Chihuahua mix
- Friendly to other dogs
- Friendly to children
- Friendly to cats